

The story started in Rotterdam and set off to conquer the world. Beneluxe Vodka is the result of a journey of three friends, vodka connaisseurs, always in search of the perfect, impeccable vodka to celebrate life.

This premium and exclusive vodka is born and bred in Rotterdam, the city of water, trade and rich history of internationally praised distilleries. Now ready to be served.

Beneluxe Vodka combines centuries of craftsmanship with the desire of the modern man: an exclusive, high-quality vodka with an international flair. Enjoy every minute of life.

– Awarded Quality –


Curious how it tastes?


Superior Taste Award

Beneluxe Vodka is granted the 2 Star Superior Taste Award and certified by the International Taste Institute in Brussels. It is tested by a large panel of independent professional taste-experts, members of the world’s most prestigious Sommelier associations.

Beneluxe Vodka is blind-tested and evaluated for its organoleptic quality following asystematic approach based on the 5 International Hedonic Sensory Analysis criteria (AFNOR XP V09A standards): first Impression, vision, olfaction, taste and final sensation.